Meeting With Your Lawyer Shouldn’t Be Overwhelming
May 26, 2021
4 min read
No matter what unique legal issues you have - custody, bankruptcy, divorce, estate planning, adoption, guardianship, probate, and more – the information you get from a lawyer should never be complicated to the point of being incomprehensible. It should always feel compassionate and in your best-interests.
As experienced lawyers in Little Rock and Fayetteville, we’ve heard every story in the book about legal advice that makes people feel overwhelmed.
No matter what unique legal issues you have – custody, bankruptcy, divorce, estate planning, adoption, guardianship, probate, and more – the information you get from a lawyer should never be complicated to the point of being incomprehensible. It should always feel compassionate and in your best interests.
Our job as lawyers is to make your private, personal matters less stressful. When you don’t have an attorney who’s a real partner, you sometimes get advice that isn’t clear.
When you first contact a lawyer with questions, your consultation should be free, and it should feel:
Unfortunately, confusing information is often given to people who have legal questions. And sadly, bad advice is given often, too. We don’t want that for you. At ARlaw, we work tirelessly to make sure you get the honesty and clarity you deserve. We stay current on the changing nature of Arkansas law, so that we are knowledgeable about your case.
Over the past few months alone, we’ve had clients tell us about misinformation they’ve received in the past. Here are just a few of the countless frustrations we’ve heard:
“I needed to file for bankruptcy in Arkansas last year but thought that it would hurt my credit for years and years. The lawyer I consulted didn’t tell me that most people’s credit gets better after 18 months.”
“When I was trying to get help for my elderly mom, I didn’t know that she could qualify for long-term care WITHOUT using up all of her life savings. Literally, no one talked to me about that.”
“During my divorce, I ended up with all the debt because the law firm I hired didn’t explain when you get divorced in the state of Arkansas, a couple can split the debts.”
“I had a divorce lawyer in Little Rock who didn’t let me know that I should get more child support because I have my kids more often than my ex does.”
Nothing bothers a knowledgeable and sympathetic attorney more than hearing about a bad legal situation that could have been better, or even prevented, if the right information had been shared.
You deserve facts, not fluff.
ARlaw Partners is an Arkansas-based law firm that works hard to stay on top of the changing nature of legal practice, the Arkansas court system, and Arkansas law, so that our client partners get the whole truth – and nothing but.
The attorney partner team at ARlaw answers the question:
If you could pick one critical thing about bankruptcy, family law, or estate planning that you wish everyone heard from their lawyer, what would it be?
About bankruptcy in Arkansas:
“I wish many of my clients hadn’t been told bankruptcy would be the end of their financial lives – the truth is that bankruptcy typically has a very minimal impact on a person’s finances for a very relatively short amount of time.” – Vanessa Cash Adams
“I wish my friend who asked someone for law advice hadn’t heard that bankruptcy is something to be ashamed of. The Bankruptcy Code exists in order to make sure that people can overcome unforseen financial difficulties that are impossible to overcome in our current economy. Bankruptcy is a purposefully built-in system to allow the economy to function – not a badge of shame.” – Jon Cigainero
About seeking a divorce/separation:
“Don’t leave out any details when talking to your attorney. You should feel comfortable enough in the relationship with your lawyer that you will share all the details. Share everything – if you don’t feel comfortable doing so, you might not be with the right legal team.” – Charlie Cunningham
“Don’t be afraid to let your attorney advocate for you. That’s what we’re here for – we look at the situation, give clients the information that they need to make decisions, and protect them from those who try to take advantage. We are here to help keep you from getting a raw deal. Don’t be afraid to let us fight on your behalf.” – Katie Freeman
About Arkansas will and trust planning:
“Have a plan and share it with someone you trust. An accident can happen at any time and without an estate plan in place your property and belongings may not go to who you want them to go to. Don’t assume that the state will distribute your property (through the laws of intestate succession) the way you would want it distributed. Don’t assume that family members will “do the right thing” and honor your wishes after you die if you don’t have an estate plan in place.” – Dustin Duke
If you’re looking for a lawyer to represent you in the future, the ARlaw team hopes you find the right fit – if not here, then with a likeminded firm that can help you succeed.
We want everyone to be able to work with the best attorneys in Arkansas, lawyers who will look at your situation from a case-by-case perspective (we’re all different, after all!), explain the details in ways that makes sense for your particular legal matters, and serve you in the professional, genuine, and honest way that law professionals are upheld to provide to their clients.
ARlaw is here to help our communities thrive, and always happy to answer your questions.
We hope you get what you deserve from your legal team.